“NO MOW MAY” Giveaway Event

Join HCSWCD and Your Neighbors for NO MOW MAY

On Saturday, May 11 join Hancock County Soil & Water Conservation District members and volunteers for our No Mow May kick off and give away event!

Beginning at 10 AM, at our office 474 Bucksport Road (US Rt 1) in Ellsworth. We will have free “No Mow May” signs available along with 2-year old American Chestnut and Oak seedlings (Black Oak, Chestnut Oak, White Oak). First come, first serve.

Why “No Mow May”?

There are many treasures hidden in our yards that may be revealed by letting parts of our lawns grow without mowing them. Early flowers like violets and forget-me-not may emerge, and hungry, newly emerged native bees need them for nectar and pollen. By letting our lawns grow, we create a more diverse habitat that supports a wider number of species of insects, to the delight of our spring migrating birds. Even the common dandelion, one of the earliest pollen producers, is visited by over 100 native species of bees. Fireflies and crickets benefit by less mowed lawns later in the season.

For more information about the benefits of No Mow May and what you can do to help, read more here.


Traveling Trees Giveaway: Assisted Migration for Climate Resilience


American Chestnut Trees at Jordan Homestead